Signs Your Trees or Shrubs are Being Attacked by Pests
If you’re noticing small holes in the leaves of your trees and shrubs, and an abundance of webbing on their branches, then you likely have an insect infestation.
Don’t worry, though! Pest Bros Arboreal Services are here to help. We offer a safe and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional pesticides, so you can rest assured that your trees and shrubs will be healthy and beautiful once again.
Here are a few signs your trees and plants are having an issue with intrusive pests:
– Check the undersides of leaves for small, brown spots.
– Look for stippling, which is when the leaves have a mottled appearance.
– Sticky substance on the leaves or stems
– Plants that normally have a lot of flowers now have very few blossoms
– Tap infested branches over a sheet of white paper. If insects fall out, you likely have an infestation.
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Here are a few other signs that your trees and plants are being attacked by pests:
– The leaves of your trees or shrubs are turning brown or yellow
– You see small holes in the leaves of your trees or shrubs
– There is an abundance of webbing on the branches of your trees or shrubs
– You see small insects crawling on the leaves or branches of your trees or shrubs
If you see any of these signs, you may have an infestation and should contact a professional for help. Left untreated, tree pests can cause serious damage to your trees.
As Arboreal care specialists, we are experts in identifying and resolving infestations of all kinds. We use the latest technology and equipment to quickly and efficiently resolve your issue, so you can get back to enjoying your beautiful property.
Pest Bros Arboreal Services
At The Pest Bros, we understand that your trees and plants are an important to your property. We offer a wide range of services to keep them healthy and looking their best.
From tree trimming and pruning to insect and disease control, we have the knowledge and experience to help your trees and shrubs thrive.
If you believe you may have an issue with pests, give us a call. We will send out one of our certified arborists to take a look and develop a plan specific to your needs. Don’t let these pests ruin your beautiful trees and shrubs – contact us today!